the Miracle of SUKUN
Sukun trees come from New Guinea Pacific area which is then developed in Malaysia to Indonesia. The sukun fruits are round rather ellipse like melon fruit. The young fruit colour is green turn yellow chocolate. Skin depth range is 1-2 mm. Young fruit its fruit surface skin is harsh and become refinement after old fruit. Raw fruit texture is ossify, and become soft-granular after maturing. Fruit kernel is white, yellow white and yellow, depend on the type. The taste of raw fruit is rather sweet, and very sweet after maturing, with specific aroma. Fruit heavy can reach 4 kg. Long of fruit stock (pedicel) is 2,5-12,5 cm depend on variety.
Suppose you have sukun plants in the yard or garden, don't cut off them because they are useful. Its fruit is developed for the substitution of rice and its leaf is exploited as drug.
Sukun is famous plant all the world. Including family of Moraceae called as breadfruit. Formerly, spreading of bread-fruit to Indonesia have become headline news that is considered as bleeding rebellion happened in Bounty ship England 1789.
Bread-Fruit can be multiplied with root, transplantation, and root stek. Besides, the root appears in the surface of sore land caused by stepped on or another, will immediately closed by rubber. Hereinafter, on the ground will emerge bud, and become new plant. This plant can be taken for seed.
Bread-Fruit tree have started to bear fruit at 3 years age. But, at appropriate environment, have started to bear fruit at 2 years age after seed is planted. Each tree can yield 200-300, or 400-600 kg per tree so the average fruit weight is 2 kg.
Bread-Fruit leaf is effective to cure diseases like liver, hepatitis, toothache, pruritis, magnification of spleen, heart, and kidney. Even, Ambon society exploit its bar husk to liquefy blood to woman 8-10 days bear.
Meanwhile, ingredient for the heart disease, take one old bread-fruit leaf which still patch in tree because its chemical substance rate is maximal. Wash the leaf then put to the sun till run dry and braised by 5 water glass. When the water remains half, add water till reach 5 glass. After boiling, ingredient lifted and filtered. Drink every day, the water should run out a day and cannot be leaved over for tomorrow.
For the kidney disease, take 3 pieces of old leaves, wash and slice. Put the slices to the sun till run dry, braise in 2 liter water until remains half. Then add water 1 liter and let boil, lift and filter. Drink every day, the boiled water cannot for tomorrow. For the heart disease and kidney, some traditional experts doubt of the virtue bread-fruit leaves because they have not found yet the information. But, society have trusted and try the virtue bread-fruit leaves which can heal heart and kidney disease.
Besides, in book Koleksi Tumbuhan Obat Kebun Raya Bogor, this plant is not shown. The only literature expressing diuretik effect and bread-fruit kardiotonik is just in Indian Medicinal Plants book. That even only its fruit. Does the chemicals contained in have virtue?
Of course, still require to do further research by related parties because traditional drug plants are trusted although its only a story from mouth to mouth. So, research is very important to health world.
How to compare the nutrition between breadfruit with bread-fruit flour? It is very easy, bread-fruit flour nutrition value is more than old breadfruit. Carbohydrate content, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B1 and C in bread-fruit flour also exceed wheat (see tables). The question, if bread-fruit flour is more superior, so what is the meaning for our health? for example phosphorus role, its function to develop and maintain bones and tooth. Phosphorus together with chlor and sulphur in body form sour element. Every day the phosphorus requirement to adult is about 0,9-1,3 gram. And it can be fulfilled by consuming bread-fruit flour.
While calcium role is assisting to crumple or coagulate blood, and also clean blood acidity. Adult need calcium 0,5-1 gram per day, while pregnant woman or suckle at least 750 gram per day. That is why, pregnant woman or suckle competent to consume food come from bread-fruit flour.
Consuming bread-fruit flour containing vitamin B1 can keep eye cornea, nerve blood-vessel network, layer network, husk network, and decrease fat acid contents. Because, vitamin B1 is vitamin contains sulphur element which is after permeated by intestine in liver and bound by phosphorus. This Vitamin B1 is not kept in body, but important, so every day it needs to get direct addition. So, if we consume bread-fruit flour every day, the vitamin B1 requirement of our body is fulfilled.
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